The Board of Trustees at the U.S. Naval Academy Alumni Association met today. The Board set a land speed record for brevity. The agenda that was scheduled from 0800-1600 was completed by 1100, save the Supe’s brief.
In short, the Association is in good financial shape, but it can always use more unrestricted funding.
Bill O’Conner has been hired as Executive Vice President of the Foundation, and a capital campaign in support of the Academy’s strategic goals will kick off within the next 18 months.
The big news was the election of my relief—Jennifer Stillings ’96. She will be the Mid-Atlantic Region Trustee for at least the next three years. Chris Cooke '81 was elected Western Region Trustee, and Admiral Bob Natter ’67 was elected Chairman. In addition, Roni Rogers ’87 was elected to represent the Hampton Roads chapter. She is dynamite, and the chapter will be well-served. The Board is in good hands.
I would like to thank Admiral Steve Abbot ’66 for his service as Chairman of the Board of Trustees. Admiral Abbot came aboard after some difficult times and was a soothing balm for the Board.
Admiral Abbot inherited some prickly personalities, perhaps none more challenging than yours truly. We on the Board had some intensely controversial issues. Admiral Abbot, in his barely above a whisper or room temperature way, was able to diffuse tensions and keep discussion civil. Sometimes, he just let me vent until I had exhausted myself.
As my old Boss, RADM Ron Marryott ’57 used to say, “Everybody gets his say, not everybody gets his way.” Admiral Abbot lived that credo.
Admiral Abbot let everybody be heard, and he had the patience of Job. He is one of a kind, and has my enduring respect and thanks.
As for my time, I’ve had the privilege of being the Mid-Atlantic Region Trustee for the past six year during some challenging times. It has been an honor.
One thing I learned in kindergarten that proves itself to be true in life, is that 5% of the group messes things up for the other 95%. It is too often easy to remember the 5%. But what is truly sustaining—and humbling—is knowing how awe-inspiring our Alumni are. I truly feel blessed to be counted among you.
Thank you for your faith in me to represent you. I hope I have been able to measure up.
Very respectfully yours,
Mike Collins ‘84
Updated: October 10, 2018
Curator: Ed Moore